Janod Doctor's Suitcase
10 accessories: a syringe fitted with an inner spring, a reflex hammer, a bottle of disinfectant, a stethoscope, an otoscope equipped with a magnifying glass, a thermometer, a tongue depressor, a prescription pad (30 pages) with a paper pencil, a bandage roll. In 1970, Louis Janod founded the company Janod in Orgelet. With his associate Serge Salvi, he developed the business and focused on the design and sale of traditional toys (spinning tops, yo-yos, skittles, etc.). From 2004, Pascal Bernard, CEO, set up a full-scale design department. Each year, in-house designers together with a team of computer graphics artists and product managers design 150 new wooden and cardboard games and toys. Traditional games and toys with a contemporary design!
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