Child Developmental Milestone Guide
- 10 Month Old -
10 months is a time for big changes – it marks the beginning of a child’s transition from baby to toddler. Some 10-month-olds are ready to start trying out their legs and imitate a couple of words here and there. They can also recognize patterns in familiar songs and stories and are starting to listen and respond to your simple instructions.
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Gross Motor Skills
Your little one is on the cusp of toddler-hood. He’ll soon be able to stand with your help, holding his hands. Although his legs may be able to support him, he can’t take more than a couple of stumbling steps, even with your support. Keep at it though, he needs this practice to help him develop the little stabilizing muscles that keep his legs steady as he moves.
Academic Development
Your little one has more control over the sounds that she makes. She also understands fully that words are how people communicate with one another. She’ll soon begin to try out a few of the words you say – imitating the patters of sound you make with your voice
Thinking & Problem Solving Skills
Your little 10-month-old will soon be recognizing patterns, and that means he can anticipate what’s coming next in a favorite storybook or song. If there’s a particular part of the story or song that makes him excited, you might see him getting ready for it before it happens!
Listening & Communication Skills
At 10 months, your little listener might be able to understand simple instructions you give and translate them into real world actions. You can try asking her to do a few simple things like playing with toys a certain way, or handing an object to you.
10 Month Old Recommended Toys
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