Princess Pistachio by Marie-Louise Gay
Pistachio has always known she was a princess. When a mysterious gift turns up on her birthday, sheí¢ä‰å??s sure ití¢ä‰å??s only a matter of time before her real parents, the king and queen of Papua, arrive to take her away. In the meantime, though, she still has to eat her spinach and get up for school. Her friends still laugh when she wears her new gold crown to class. And her annoying baby sister insists on í¢ä‰å?ñPwaying pwincess,í¢ä‰?? too. When Pistachioí¢ä‰å??s angry wish makes Penny disappear, she will need the courage of a true princess to get her back.Princess Pistachio was translated from French by Jacob Homel, the son of award-wining author and illustrator Marie-Louise Gay. As Pistachio and Penny learn, great things happen when family sticks together.
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